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File List | 1994-08-19 | 3.5 KB | 43 lines |
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- ║ 45 - Musical Potpourri ║
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- BOB_WARR.ZIP 142,400 05-10-94 5th release. bacON and bOb present:WARREMIX.S3M.
- CALCUFRT.ZIP 27,241 06-01-94 Computes fret scales for musicalinstruments.
- CDBOOM10.ZIP 97,176 04-26-94 CD BoomBox For DOS 1.0. Plays Audio CDs!
- CHROMAT1.ZIP 1444,440 04-30-94 CHROMATIKS 1. The First Truly Multi-GroupPC Music Disk!
- CMOD114.ZIP 42,014 06-18-94 CapaMod 1.14. A 4-, 6-, 8-ChannelMOD-player for GUS.
- COOL133.ZIP 395,304 04-04-94 Cool Edit 1.33. Wave form Editor with manyfeatures.
- CRDMGC14.ZIP 32,827 05-15-94 Chord Magic shows the various guitar scalesand chords.
- DG2.ZIP 272,847 05-09-94 Algorithmic music composition program.Includes source.
- DMP295.ZIP 122,777 06-15-94 Dual Module Player 2.95. Supports manysound cards.
- DMP32295.ZIP 265,556 06-15-94 Dual Module Player/32 2.95. SB, SB Pro,SB16, WSS, PAS, etc.
- DMPC211.ZIP 50,650 04-06-94 Dual Module Player Companion 2.11. DMPfront end program.
- DPP200B.ZIP 71,023 04-25-94 Digital Player Pro 2.0. Supports GUS,SB/SBPro/SB16, etc.
- FLKMUSIC.ZIP 7,543 05-21-94 Folk music in MI, MN, WI.
- GSCOPE07.ZIP 18,147 06-05-94 VU meter and Spectrum Analyzer for yourGravis Ultrasound.
- GS_MSBLU.ZIP 7,236 05-29-94 GS/GM - Misty Blue.
- GWOFF100.ZIP 8,041 03-06-94 GoldWave Output File Fixer 1.00. FixesGoldWave .WAV files.
- ILWU.ZIP 227,345 06-16-94 *.S3m Music File - In Love With You.
- INERTIA.ZIP 73,617 04-29-94 Inertia Player 1.1. Supports: GUS, PAS16,SB16, SBPro, etc.
- MARAUDER.ZIP 140,686 03-13-94 Cool MTM By Phoniex! Surround sound &Stereo Panning.
- MAUIDRV.ZIP 886,282 03-24-94 Drivers for Maui Wavetable Synthesizer Cardby Turtle Beach.
- MAYHEM_F.ZIP 149,393 03-07-94 "Digital Mayhem" .MTM sound file. Themefrom upcoming demo.
- ME404.ZIP 430,622 04-28-94 MUSICEASE 4.04. A music score editor andprinting program.
- METAL025.ZIP 28,356 03-07-94 METAL 0.2pl5 Multi-Channel Multi-FormatPlayer.
- MFDEEP.ZIP 366,532 05-08-94 Deep Inside - .ULT format 14 channel stereosound file.
- MODDIZ10.ZIP 19,296 03-19-94 Reads MOD, STM, S3M, etc., makesFILE_ID.DIZ, then ZIPS all.
- MST3K.ZIP 269,746 03-20-94 Awesome MTM multi-channel song made by WarPig.
- MUS2MID.ZIP 135,143 03-27-94 Converts .MUS files into a text MIDI file.
- MUSIC_TU.ZIP 196,529 03-04-94 A MUSICAL TUTORIAL 1.1. Excellent way tostudy music.
- PANICMOD.ZIP 476,465 05-21-94 This is the .S3M soundtrack to Future Crew'sPANIC demo.
- RANDMD21.ZIP 21,909 06-16-94 RandMod 2.1. Randomly selects and plays amusic file.
- SBBEEP.ZIP 6,899 03-12-94 Replace PC beep with SoundBlaster beep.
- SBPLAY07.ZIP 36,886 05-16-94 Sound File player utility. Will play .VOC,.WAV, .SND, etc.
- SIDZAX01.ZIP 90,780 05-05-94 Amnesia 1994 - new songs for Sidplayer.
- SIDZAX02.ZIP 178,546 05-05-94 Vibrants songs for the Sidplayer.
- THEFALL1.ZIP 115,996 03-02-94 A nice MTM Music file. Utilizes theSurround sound feature.
- TM_MODTL.ZIP 44,365 03-07-94 Automatic Mod RIP Mod Catalog Module FixerProgram.
- UMID111.ZIP 134,509 05-19-94 Updated GUS drivers.
- WBTMR_15.ZIP 244,772 03-29-94 WAVEBLASTER TAMER 1.5. Working Model.Cakewalk support.